# Quick guide

# Requirements

# New automatic installation method (Recommended)

  • Video tutorial (opens new window)
  • Download the zip AzurLaneAutoScript.zip (opens new window) (right-click, save)
  • Extract and run Easy_Install-V2.bat (ex. C:\, or D:\, any will work). The installer will create the nessesary folders.
  • Do not run the installer in a folder that contains spaces in the name, this will make the scripts not work correctly, create a folder at the root of some drive like C:\ALAS\ or D:\ALAS\, then place Easy_Install-V2.bat in that folder and run if you must run it inside of a folder.
  • To Run ALAS, just click in alas.bat inside the installation folder and follow the instructions located below in the How to use Use section.
  • To avoid connection errors it's recommended to configure your emulator port correctly, in alas.bat first start will be prompt to enter your HOST:PORT, below you have more information on how to find your emulator PORT, READ ALL.

# Manual installation method (Not Recommended)

# How to create e python virtual environment

  • First install Python (opens new window)

  • Create a folder where you will put the virtual environment, I recommend creating a folder venv in the project's root directory

  • Go to project root in command line

  • type python -m venv path_to_your_folder\venv


    You can see that now python has created some folders and files in the venv folder, it has created a completely clean virtual environment, thus preventing any conflicts.

  • Now, it is necessary to activate the virtual environment in command line, go to project root (the same where you have the file alas.py) and type .\venv\scripts\activate.bat


    Look that a (venv), with that we know that we are in a virtual environment.

    If you type pip list should get this output:


    Now, you can proceed with the installation of the requirements through pip install -r requirements.txt

# Installation

  • Clone this repository

  • Install the requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)

  • Install an android emulator (Tested on BlueStacks)

  • The android emulator resolution must be set to 1280x720

  • Test if the ADB is working correctly adb devices

    The output must be something like this


    Test if your Python is working correctly python --version


  • Install uiautomator2

uiautomator2, is an automated test library that can speed up screenshots and clicks. You can also use ADB to perform screenshots and clicks, but it is a slower way.

For performance optimization, it is recommended to use ADB screenshots, uiautomat2 screenshot slightly faster than adb screenshot, but cpu consumption double.

  • Perform

    python -m uiautomator2 init

    The output must be something like this:

    U2 (in this case, I had already installed)

  • Check if uiautomator2 was installed successfully

Modify the serial in \dev_tools\emulator_test.py line 31 and, execute from root project directory (the same where you have the file alas.py)

python -m dev_tools.emulator_test

The output must be something like this:


The default serial for some emulators:

Android Emulator serial
LDPlayer emulator-5554

You can check a new app installed in your emulator:


If you open up can check if are running:


If are not running, you cannot use U2 and will get error.

# How to use Use

If you installed with Easy_Install-V2.bat you can just double-click alas.bat located in your AzurLaneAutoScript folder. It will ask you for your emulator connection information (located in the table above). Once you've entered the serial information, choose your preferred language.

If not you can call py alas_en.pyw from command line to open the GUI

Multi-usage: copy alas_en.pyw, and rename, double-click run on it. The settings of template.ini are copied when the first run runs. The script runtime uses the ini profile of the same name.