# Error notify configuration

Alas use Onepush (opens new window) for push message. Support multiple platforms like Bark, ServerChan, Discord, mail(SMTP) etc.

Complete support list here Onepush providers (opens new window)

# Obtain params

Each platform requires different parameters.

Take Bark (opens new window) as example,

In Onepush repository,find _params in providers/bark.py (opens new window)

    _params = {
        'required': ['key'],

This shows that this provider requires key as parameters.

In Bark APP, we can find key here in the server list

Show Picture


In this example key is Vg*******************

For other platform, please refer to their document for more details.
Feel free to add more tutorials

# Configuration

Configuration is in yaml format. Need push service name provider and their corresponding parameters.

# Bark

In the case of Bark, the parameters key have been obtained above: Vg******************* So the final configuration is

provider: bark
key: Vg*******************

Let's add more parameter, such as sound

provider: bark
key: Vg*******************
sound: alert

# Mail

don't forget ssl

provider: smtp
host: smtp.gmail.com   # smtp server address
user: your@gmail.com   # username, usually this is your mailbox address
password: Passw0rd!    # password to login, for some service provider you need to apply for an individual key to use smtp.
port: 587              # smtp server port, use ssl port(465, 587, etc.) for secure if possible.
ssl: true              # explicitly specifies to use ssl connection. When the port is 465, ssl will be used automatically.
provider: smtp
host: smtp.qq.com
user: 123456789@qq.com
password: Passw0rd!
port: 465
# ssl: true
Commom mail service
  • gmail: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7104828
    • host: smtp.gmail.com
    • port: 587
    • ssl: true

# Discord Webhook

Document (opens new window)

provider: discord 
webhook: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/12345678912345678900/verylongstring_veryveryverylongrandomstring

# Pushplus

Official website (opens new window)

provider: pushplus
token: ********************

# Pushdeer

Official website (opens new window)

provider: pushdeer
pushkey: **********************

# ServerChanTurbo

Official website (opens new window)

provider: serverchanturbo 
sctkey: SCT16*************************

# Telegram Bot

Document (opens new window)

provider: telegram
token: 16xxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxx       # get from @BotFather
userid: 10000000                   # get from @userinfobot
api_url: api.telegram.org

# Wechatwork application

Document (opens new window)

provider: wechatworkapp
corpid: xxxxxxxx
corpsecret: xxxxxxxx
agentid: 10001

# Wechatwork bot

Document (opens new window)

provider: wechatworkbot
key: xxxxxxxx

# dingtalk

Document (opens new window)

provider: dingtalk
token: xxxxxxxx

# go-cqhttp

Document (opens new window)

provider: gocqhttp
endpoint": http://cqhttp.example.com:5700
access_token: YOUR_TOKEN
message_type: private
# user_id: 12345678
# group_id: 12345678

# Custom webhook

provider: custom
url: https://your.web.hook/path   # your webhook
method: post                      # http method
data:                             # data dict
  your_arg: aaa
  your_arg2: bbb

Finally, copy your yaml to Alas -> Debug Settings -> Error notify config.

# Test pushing


Open mail page in game, find any task and clear its next run to add it to the waiting queue, then run alas. This will send a GamePageUnknownError few seconds later.