# 为商店编写过滤字符串

This document will explain how to write a filter string to select store items. 本文档将阐述如何编写"过滤字符串"来选择商店物品.

# Select items 选择商品

# General shop 军火商

Expression Description 描述
Box Equipment Boxes 装备箱
Book Skill Books 舰艇教材
Food Foods 后宅食物
Plate Plates 强化部件
Cube Cube 魔方
Drill Drill 快速完成工具

# Guild shop 舰队商店

Expression Description 描述
Box Equipment Boxes 装备箱
Book Skill Books 舰艇教材
Food Foods 后宅食物
Plate Plates 强化部件
Retrofit Retrofit Blueprints 改造图纸
PR PRY Research Blueprints 金科研图纸
Cat Cat Boxes 喵箱
Chip Cognitive Chips 心智单元

# Medal shop 兑换商店

Expression Description 描述
Book Skill Books 舰艇教材
Food Foods 后宅食物
Plate Plates 强化部件
Retrofit Retrofit Blueprints 改造图纸
PR PRY Research Blueprints 金科研图纸
DR DR Research Blueprints 彩科研图纸
Bulin Bulin 布里

# Merit shop 军需商店

Expression Description 描述
Box Equipment Boxes 装备箱
Bulin Bulin 布里
Cube Cube 魔方

# Core shop 核心商店

Expression Description 描述
Chip Cognitive Chips 心智单元
Array Cognitive Chips Ⅱ 心智单元Ⅱ

# Voucher shop 大世界每月白票商店

Expression Description 描述
Book Skill Books 舰艇教材
Coin Coin / Gold 物资
HECombatPlan 2x Book / Plan 高效作战指令
Logger OS Loggers 坐标记录仪
Tuning OS Tuning sample 效能样本

# Select type/tier

# Types 种类

Box, Book, Plate, Retrofit can't specify its type in guild shop filter string. Select types in corresponding selectors, and use string without type.

Box type Description 描述
Box Any types of equipment box 任意类型的科技箱
Book type Description 描述
Book Any types of book 任意类型的教材
BookRed Red book 红书
BookBlue Blue book 蓝书
BookYellow Yellow book 黄书
Plate type Description 描述
Plate Any types of plate 任意类型的强化部件
PlateGeneral General plate 通用部件
PlateGun Gun plate 主炮部件
PlateTorpedo Torpedo plate 鱼雷部件
PlateAntiair Antiair plate 防空炮部件
PlatePlane Plane plate 舰载机部件
Retrofit type Description 描述
Retrofit Any types of retrofit 任意类型的教材
RetrofitDD Destroyer retrofit 驱逐改造图纸
RetrofitCL Cruiser retrofit 巡洋改造图纸
RetrofitBB Battle ship retrofit 战列改造图纸
RetrofitCV Aircraft carrier retrofit 航母改造图纸
Logger type Description 描述
Logger Any types of logger 任意类型的坐标记录仪
LoggerAbyssal Abyssal zone logger 海域坐标记录仪
LoggerObscure Obscure zone logger 塞壬坐标记录仪
Tuning type Description 描述
Tuning Any types of Tuning sample 任意类型的效能样本
TuningCombat Tuning sample combat 效能样本-攻击
TuningOffense Tuning sample offense 效能样本-耐久
TuningSurvival Tuning sample survival 效能样本-恢复

# Tiers

Add T[Tier] after items can specify its tier.
在商品后添加 T[Tier] 可以指定稀有度。

Item Available tires 可用的稀有度 Examples 示例
Box 1-4(General, Merit), 3-4(Guild), 1(Medal) BoxT1, BoxT4
Book 1-3(General), 2-3(Guild, Medal), 4 (Voucher) BookT3, BookRedT3
Food 1, 2, 4-6(General), 4-6(Guild) FoodT1, FoodT6
Plate 1-3(General), 2-4(Guild) PlateT4, PlateGeneralT3
Retrofit 1-3(Medal), 2-3(Guild) RetrofitT3, RetrofitDDT3
Bulin 1-2(Medal, Merit) BulinT1, BulinT2
Logger 5-6(Voucher) LoggerT5, LoggerT6
Tuning 2(Voucher) TuningT2

BoxT1 in Medal shop is Submarine Tech Box.
兑换商店中的 深海潜航新手装备箱BoxT1

# Research Blueprints 科研蓝图

Guild shop only support PRS1, PRS2, PRS3 and PR, Select ship in corresponding selectors
舰队商店中只支持 PRS1, PRS2, PRS3PR,然后在对应的下拉框中选择舰船

Expression Description 描述
PR PR blueprint 金定向蓝图
DR DR blueprint 彩定向蓝图
PRS1 series 1 PRY blueprint 一期金定向蓝图
PRS2 series 2 PRY blueprint 二期金定向蓝图
PRS3 series 3 PRY blueprint 三期金定向蓝图
DRS1 series 1 DR blueprint 一期彩定向蓝图
DRS2 series 2 DR blueprint 二期彩定向蓝图
DRS3 series 3 DR blueprint 三期彩定向蓝图
PRNeptuneS1 Neptune 海王星
PRMonarchS1 Monarch 君主
PRIbukiS1 Ibuki 伊吹
PRIzumoS1 Izumo 出云
PRRoonS1 Roon 罗恩
PRSaintLouisS1 Saint Louis 路易九世
PRSeattleS2 Seattle 西雅图
PRGeorgiaS2 Georgia 佐治亚
PRKitakazeS2 Kitakaze 北风
DRAzumaS2 Azuma 吾妻
DRFriedrichS2 Friedrich der Große 腓特烈大帝
PRGascogneS2 Gascogne 加斯科涅
PRChampagneS3 Champagne 香槟
PRCheshireS3 Cheshire 柴郡
DRDrakeS3 Drake 德雷克
PRMainzS3 Mainz 美因茨
PROdinS3 Odin 奥丁

Can omit the S# notation for named blueprints PRNeptuneS1 == PRNeptune

# Create filter string 创建过滤字符串

Connect items with greater than symbol > , such as 用大于号 > 连接商品, 比如

Cube > PlateGeneralT3 > PlateT3 > FoodT6 > Food > BoxT3

Alas 会从左到右地选择商品进行购买。如果没有商品符合要求,什么都不做。 Alas will select items from the left to the right. If no items matched, alas will do nothing.

# Some example filter string 过滤字符串示例

# General shop 军火商

Cube > BookRedT3 > BookYellowT3 > FoodT6 > FoodT5 > PlateGeneralT3

# Guild shop 舰队商店

PlateT4 > BookT3 > PRBP > CatT3 > Chip > Retrofit > FoodT6 > FoodT5 > CatT2 > BoxT4

# Medal shop 兑换商店

DRBP > PRBP > BookRed > BookYellow > Bulin > RetrofitT3 > PlateGeneralT3 > Food 

# Merit shop 军需商店

Cube > Bulin > BoxT3

# Core shop 核心商店

Chip > Array

# Voucher shop 大世界每月白票商店

LoggerAbyssal > LoggerObscure > HECombatPlan > Tuning > Book > Coin